Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Honestly, this review is somewhat of a challenge.  I could begin by saying that I really enjoy this movie.  But that is not entirely true.  Now don't get me wrong.  This is a great movie.  But not without its flaws.  And it has many flaws.  So where to begin?

Visually, this is absolutely incredible to watch.  Stunning is an understatement.  J.J. Abrams has created a beautiful world for us to experience. Everything from the star ships to the planets encountered.  We are definitely getting a sensory overload when it comes to special effects.  But how much does this deter from the actual film?  Special effects can go so far, but doesn't necessarily make a movie great.  I really think they do for this movie.  I'll go further into that in a moment.

Story wise.  Now, this is where I have a bit of an issue.  I grew up on Star Trek. I've seen the shows, I've seen the movies.  I always liked Star Trek over Star Wars.  And in 2009 when J.J. Abrams was given the chance...err...privilege to recreate a 40 year old legacy, I was skeptical.  Who wasn't really?

Now, I knew this was going to happen, but I feel I need to explain a bit before hand.  And this is what makes this review a bit of a challenge.  It can't go without mentioning previous movies.  Star Trek II, Star Trek (2009) and this one.  They all intertwine together.  Like it or not.  But is it for better or worst?  That you'll have to decide on your own.

Star Trek II (1982) is the pinnacle of Star Trek movies.  I doubt I could find someone that disagrees with this.  Great story, great villain.  Ricardo Montalban owned Khan (If you didn't know by now...spoiler!).  His most remembered role.  To attempt to rival this, is a feat on its own.  J.J. Abrams has tried this.  Did it work?  Again.  Only you can decide.  I, personally think it did.  But you need to go further again.  This is a *new* Star Trek.  Canon has been altered.  We have been thrown into a new universe. And Benedict Cumberbatch took on a role knowing the shoes he had to fill.  Did he fill those shoes?  I believe so.  He created something different, but at the same time keeping the same character.  A bit of the love/hate kind.  You do feel sympathy for him, but also don't want him to win.  So in short.  Khan?  Check!

Star Trek (2009) was the reboot we wanted.  We were given the beginnings of characters that we have known for many years.  But really were never shown how it all began.  Kirk and Spocks friendship?  Why is Bones, Bones?  And J.J. Abrams nailed it.  He introduced a new generation to Star Trek.


He changed canon.  Completely rewrote it.  Not entirely a bad thing thou.  But I think this wasn't the right time introduce this villain.  First off.  It was the worst kept secret.  We all knew the villain was Khan.  John Harrison?  Really?  But Benedict did it justice.  Kudos to him. Work the best with your material I guess.  That's ultimately the meat and potatoes of this movie.  We got Kirk and the gang, versus Khan.  You can think that Marcus (Peter Weller) is the main villain, but really.  Give your head a shake.  Khan is the villain.

I know that I may sound negative towards this movie.  But I am not at all.  This is a great movie.  Provided you have an open mind.  It just has it flaws.  After the great reboot we were given, we got something full of eye-popping effects, but the story is not near as good.  It didn't have the heart that Star Trek II did.  It didn't have the heart of Star Trek (2009).  It almost felt rushed.  And even worst.  We got two hours of great special effects.  Minus the great story that could have been.  But the special effects made this movie.  Seeing this on the big screen is something to sit in awe of.

I just wish they worked on the story as much as they did the special effects.

Recommendation : Cool movie.  But need to have an open mind.  This is not Star Trek from yesteryear.  This is new and something completely different.  It has it's downsides.  But I think it's upsides counter them.  Watch Star Trek (2009) first.  Then decide how you feel.

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